Use the below form to pay balances easily and securely. You will receive a payment confirmation message for your records instantly once you submit your details below. Information on the our other payment methods is noted on right side of this page.
Use the below form to pay balances easily and securely. You will receive a payment confirmation message for your records instantly once you submit your details below. Information on the our other payment methods is noted on right side of this page.
Payments accepted are cash, check, credit and debit cards and wire transfer.
Acc# 010-895-308-001 payable to Atlantic Cleaning & Maintenance Ltd for checks.
When making wire transfers please include name and invoice number.
ISSA (International Sanitary Supply Association)
IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification)
CRA (Cleaning and Restoration Association)
CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute)
ICRA (International Cleaning & Restoration Association)
ARCSI (Association of Residential Cleaning Services International)